Est. 1999 • Open Tues-Sat 11-7 • Walk-ins welcome 51tattoo Here is your second reminder, Black Friday and Sma Tattoos by Michael @torturejazz from the last mont Recent tattoos by Michael @torturejazz NBC tattoo by Michael Recent selection of tattoos by Michael @torturejaz Holiday tat2z by Michael @torturejazz Recent work from Prophet Travis. He takes walkins Welcome to the working week! If you are looking to Got something you want done? We have walkins daily Classic design by @torturejazz Recent work by @torturejazz Tattoos by Michael Temperatures are starting to drop, and that means Recent tattoos by Michael Sailor Jerry flash by Michael Weeping heart by Michael Looking to get some new freshness? Here is a name Dragon hip rocker by Michael Keith Haring tattoo by Michael Lantern by Michael Load More Follow on Instagram